Coping Mechanisms to Invasion of Prosopis juliflora in Kenya: Case Study of Salabani Location, Baringo County


Alien invasive species are a threat to functioning and structure of ecosystems in the world. They affect provision of goods and services of ecosystems and have also ecological and socio-economic impacts on local communities. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine how the local community in Salabani Location, are coping with the invasion of Prosopis juliflora. Results indicate that the local community utilizes the plant for charcoal production, sale posts, poles, and pods to improve their livelihoods. The tree is the main source of firewood. It is also used as fence against wild animals, poachers and cattle rustlers. 49% burn the trees, 28% uproot, 22% prune and 7% thin. No chemical or biological control is used. Cut stems are scourged using cow dung as source of fuel which burns for a long time hence effective. The Government formed five Farmers Field Schools to train and build capacity of the local people. The locals wear special sandals made from old vehicle tyres called ‘kinyira’ to protect them against the tough Prosopis thorns. They have formed cooperative societies to help sale their charcoal to avoid exploitation by middlemen. The introduction of bruchid beetle was put on hold as animal feed manufacturers test the viability of using pods instead of wheat bran. However, the Kenya government should release the beetles to help control spread of the tree as locals enhance and diversify utilization of Prosopis. Keywords: Coping mechanism, Prosopis juliflora, weed contro

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