A Review of Stream Regimes Manipulation System Effects on Drainage Basin and Remedies


Naturally, a drainage basin harbours stream flow and channel characteristics in an open system. Urbanization effects on hydrological cycles and on stream morphology and dynamics, as in Anderson (1970) causes naturalized changes in channel characteristics as explained (Mrowka, 1974; Sehumm1977) and flood plain characteristics. These man’s efforts and their consequences draw several attentions to changing channel morphology and hydraulic geometry of stream channels by studies such as in Troxell and Leopold(1971), Hammer(1972), Knox(1977), Knight(1979), Morisawa and Vemure (1976), Morisawa and Laflurem(1979), Ebisemijiu (1989). Such situation reviewed in this paper have disturbed the entire watershed and channels as emaciated in the works of Simon (1992), Simon and Hupp (1992), Oyegun (1994), Church (1992), Pizzuto (1994), Elliot and  Gyetuai (1999)

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