Woody Species Diversity in Oxytenanthera abyssinica Based Homestead Agroforestry Systems of Serako, Northern Ethiopia


In northern Ethiopia, establishment of exclosures and management of remnant protected natural forests to conserve and enhance forest products and services have been practiced for the past three decades. However, empirical data on the effectiveness of lowland bamboo based homestead agroforestry system in rescuing woody species diversity are lacking. The study was assessed the woody species diversity, density and composition of O. abyssinica based homestead agroforestry systems in Serako, Tselemti district. Data were collected from a total of ninety nine farms and plots with 10m*10m area, ninety from less than five year, five to ten years and greater than ten years domestication of O. abyssinica based homesteads and one exclosure with nine plots as comparison were taken. The study revealed that species density, richness and diversity were significantly higher in the exclosure than in the three homesteads (p<0.000). The study showed that a total of 48 tree species in 25 families and 24 tree species in 11 families for the homestead agroforestry systems and exclosure respectively were recorded. Following the age gradient, there was a significant difference in density, richness and diversity between greater than ten and less than five year domesticated O. abyssinica homestead agroforestry systems (p<0.000). This study confirmed that woody species diversity was higher for those households that domesticate O. abyssinica on their homesteads earlier than those households that domesticate later on their homesteads. Oxytenanthera abyssinica was not found in the exclosure, showing a distinct conscious selection for planting in the homesteads as agroforestry system. It is suggested that homestead agroforestry systems are effective for increasing biodiversity and socio-economic contributions to rural households. Keywords: Oxytenanthera abyssinica, woody species diversity, Tselemti

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