Intertidal Amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Pondicherry Mangroves, Southeast Coast of India


Seven species of amphipod crustaceans from Pondicherry mangroves, (Southeast coast of India) are described and illustrated. Eriopisa chilkensis, Eriopisella sp, belonging to family Gammaroidea. Melita dentada belonging to family Melitidae, two species of family Aoridae (Grandidierella bonnieroides, G. pathyi), one species of family Ampithoidae (Cymadusa pathyi) and one species of family Isaeidae (Isala montagui) were recorded. Head microsculpturing characters are the discriminating sets of characters useful for species identification. Keywords: Amphipod, distribution, species, mangroves, Pondicherr

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