Assessing the Effectiveness of Illustrations in Print Media Advert of Home Appliances


In this study, attempts were made to ascertain the attention getting power of illustrations in print media advert of home appliances, the interrelatedness of the illustrations to the advert messages, clarity and the ability to create buying interest. Survey research design method was adopted for the study and questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. In this study it was discovered that, though, the illustrations attract attention to an advert they are not too related to the message of the advert and very difficult for the audience to decode at the first contact and at the same time does not propel buying interest in the audience. As a result, it was recommended that relevant illustrations should be used or be entirely left out. The illustrations should bring out the benefit of the product as the case may be. Simplicity should also be employed for clarity purposes. Keywords: Illustrations, Advertising, Print Media, Home Appliance

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