Do New Media Make the Practice of Journalism More or Less a Profession?


This review examines the role of new media in the ongoing debate about journalism being a profession or not. The paper gives an overview of professionalism, contending issues in the journalistic profession debate, the new media, and the influence of new media in the debate. Drawing from a huge body of literature on new media usage, journalism, professionalism and practical examples, the paper contends that the new media contribute for and against journalistic professionalism. In terms of contributing for journalistic professionalism, it is observed among other things that the new media provide tools that improve journalism practices, making journalism significantly socially responsible to society. This is a core criterion of professionalism. In terms of contributing against journalistic professionalism, the paper contends inter alia that the extreme freedom associated with the new media render many people, without any formal journalistic training, journalists. With this, very many cases of unethical practices are the case. Similarly, the nature of new media makes it extremely difficult to regulate its usage. All these are in opposition to a number of general criteria of professionalism. With these overwhelming evidences, the position of the paper is that, at present, the new media work against journalistic professionalism than for it. Key words: Debate, journalism, new media, non-profession, profession.

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