The Essence of Foreign Language Learning in Today’s Globalizing World: Benefits and Hindrances


This paper highlights the essence of foreign language learning in today’s globalizing world as well as underscores its benefits and hindrances. It emphasizes that foreign language does collectively bind us together as human beings predicated upon our irresistible interdependence in various ways. Rationally speaking, being knowledgeable of a second or foreign language is extremely pertinent because it provides numerous life time opportunities. Yielding the dividends of studying abroad, employment, personal development, security, political and economic benefits among others make foreign language learning absolutely beneficial. Consequently, this paper sees foreign language conversance as a key that could unlock the door of your life and it must not be ignored. However, despite its overarching benefits, foreign language learning is continually constrained with the challenges of complexity, ignorance of its importance, learner-native speaker gaps, weak policies and inadequate support. Some of these challenges are related to the constructs of motivational beliefs and strategies which are vital to foreign language learning because learners must believe in themselves, value tasks and use appropriate strategies if they are to succeed. Finally, it recommends a collective concerted effort against monolingualism, but supports the formulation of salient policies and programs including the inclusion of foreign languages in the curricula, increased financial and moral supports, and early teaching of foreign languages to kids. Key words: foreign language, language benefits and barriers, motivational beliefs, language learning strategies, globalizing world

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