Law Politics of Coal, Mineral and Mining Laws as the Embodiment of Environmental Justice


Law politics is a fundamental policy determining the goal of nation which will be implemented by constructing new act or by replacing the old ones. Law politics of coal, mineral and mining act supporting national interest might raise different legal interpretation on coal and mineral mining regulation. Concept of natural resources occupation by the state turns to be unclear. On the other side, article 3 of verse (3) states that natural resources occupation by the state should aim at people prosperity. Therefore, there should be proper reinterpretation on the concept of state occupation of natural resources which is in line with the development of law politics of coal, mineral and mining act. Furthermore, it should also be in line with on the spirit of Chapter 33 of Indonesian National Regulation of 1945 as philosophical foundation of law politics of coal, mineral and mining for environmental justice. Keywords: Law Politics, coal and mineral mining, environmental justic

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