Film/Video Industries As Channels Of Communication And Development


Video distribution is causing a great deal of excitement in the television and movie industries. In 18th century, some popular toymakers used their understanding of vision to create an ocular illusion which became illustrious. At first, the toys were simple books, still pictures which could be thumbed through to create the illusion of movement, which became illustrious. Group of 10 companies under Edison, hold the patent to virtually all existing filmmaking and exhibition equipments, used in running the production and distribution of film in the United States of America. The Nigerian Film/Video movie industry (Home Video Industry) popularly known as The Nollywood, is the second largest producer of films after Bollywood in India. Nollywood just like it counterparts in the United States and India has helped to mobilized the citizenry for national development and projected African culture to the rest of the world. KEY WORDS: Film, Video, Channel, Communication, and Development

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