Legal Protection of Customary Land Against the Development of Oil Palm Plantations in East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan


East Kotawaringin is a regency in Central Kalimantan province with the highest number of oil palm plantation business licenses. The area of oil palm plantation business license issued by regional governmentis included in ulayat adat of Dayak tribe indigenous people in Rural areas. In the ulayat adat comprised in the area of oil palm plantation business license, there is the potential of abundant natural resources and these customary lands are the source of livelihood or life for Indigenous People in East Kotawaringin regency, Central Kalimantan.As a law country, customary lands under ulayat adat and inside the area of oil palm plantation business license are supposed to be protected by law, but in fact there are customary lands owned by indigenous people in Kotawaringin East regency with no legal protection against the development of oil palm plantations. Keywords: Legal Protection, Customary Land, Oil Palm Plantation, Business License, East Kotawaringi

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