Intellectual Property Rights in Nigeria:A Critical Examination of the Activities of the Nigerian Copyright Commission


Academic work like a paper written, a play, an engineering design, an invention, an art work, a poem, a novel, a research output, a process designed to accomplish a task, a computer program or software, breed of crop or livestock, a service symbol, a song or piece of music etc., are products of the intellect and therefore referred to as intellectual properties. Intellectual properties, because of their intangible nature, are more vulnerable to stealing and illegal appropriation. As such, creators of such works need some form of right and protection to prevent other persons from illegally appropriating their intellectual assets. Such form of protection is often referred to as Intellectual Property Rights. Nevertheless, Nigeria do not vigorously enforce intellectual property laws, making illegal copying, or piracy, a major threat to the credibility of the nation?s integrity. The main objective of this study is to explain the basic concept of Intellectual Property as a form of protection for authors in Nigeria, give an overview of the activities of the Nigerian Copyright Commission and proffer recommendations for an improved implementation of copyright laws in Nigeria. Keywords- Intellectual Property, Nigerian Copyrights commissio

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