A Critique of the Legal Framework for the National Industrial Court of Nigeria and its Impact on the Nigerian Worker


Employment is synonimous with earning a livelihood, and earning a livelihood gives hope to  the living. Right to employment therefore could be said to as fundamental as living. A life without employment may be  likened to existing, as opposed to living. This explains why issues of labour and employment is taken by man as a matter of self preservation. The Nigerian Court system does  not lay  emphasy on specialised  courts. The High Courts, and   other courts exercise jurisdiction on almost all matters generally. This has resulted in unwaranted pressure on the regular court, such that cases remain on the cause lists for several years,  potentially  defeating the  aim of justice, as  justice  delayed  is  justice  denied.  Also,  the  level of  industrial harmony in  any nation  directly affect the economic  development in such state. All of these  impelled the  establishment  of an industrial court in Nigeria as the first specialised court in the country. Upon the establishment of the  National Industrial Court of Nigeria,  a number of matters have arrisen. The thrust of  this  paper is  to address  these issues while assessing  the extent to which the  court has impacted on the working class. Keywords: National Industrial Court, Industrial, Employment, Labour, Jurisdiction, Arbitration, Conciliation, Trade Dispute, Collective Agreement

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