Doctrine Of “The Way Back (Jalan Kembali)”: Exploring ‘Wisdom Local Islamic Mysticism’ in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia


This research is a specific study which directed towards teachings of mysticism, which is commonly referred to as the doctrine of “The Way Back”. Although impressed controversial, this teaching still exist and are quite interested in the community. Therefore, this study focused on what and how the process of transforming the teaching of “The Way Back”. Through the analysis of the data, which is collected by way of participatory observation, in-depth interviews and library research, it is known that this doctrine called by his followers as the “Way Back”. Intent or purpose in the end of the whole substance of the teachings are the husn al-khâtimah (died in a state of complete), and not at the beginning nor at the process. The press point of this teaching is the introduction and understanding of God as the source of everything (tawhid), including the “soul” or human nafs. To be able to “return” to his Lord, human being need to know and understand the “soul”, nafs or their-self first, and then try to understand about the Lord through dzauq or his intuition corresponding principle “man ‘arafa nafsahu fa qad ‘arafa rabbahu”. Therefore, the substance of this teaching cannot be said to be “misguided”. The controversial impression of this teaching is more inherent on the assessment of the teacher profile, and not on the substance of his teachings. While the transformation process of this teaching is done individually or collectively, with dominance of discussion and question-answer method. Keywords: Doctrine, “The Way Back”, Local Islamic Mysticism

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