Transformation of Agricultural Education in Nigeria: Implication for Food Security


The paper examines the transformation of agricultural education and the implication for food security in Nigeria. The paper argues that the level of hunger in Nigeria was minimal at independence because majority of the people engaged in agriculture. However, the discovery of crude oil in the 1970s and subsequently exportation contributed over 90% to government revenue. This enables government to embark on massive projects which injected much money into the economy. This led to abandonment of agriculture to the rural poor who continue to use crude implements. The result is food insecurity and hunger resulting in mal-nutrition and disease in many homes. The paper further argues that one sure way to transform the agricultural sector and ensure food security is adequate education of the populace on the use and application of agricultural tools and implements. Consequently, the way forward for agricultural transformation in Nigeria is suggested in the paper. Keywords: Agriculture, Education, Food Security, Transformation, Institutio

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