Analysis of the Determinants of Repurchase Intention of Soap Products of an Agribusiness Firm in Abia State, Nigeria


The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that determine the consumers repurchase intention, analyze thesocio/economic characteristics of customers of Pz Cussons Nigeria soap products, determine the relationshipbetween customer satisfactions, perceived value and branding as most major variables that influence theconsumers repurchase intention. The data used for analysis were collected via questionnaire. The technique ofdata analysis employed were simple descriptive statistics such as means, percentages, tables and frequencies;Pearson product moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings of the study showedthat perceived value, brand preference and customer satisfaction are significant and positively correlated withrepurchase intention. The factors affecting the consumers repurchase intention of the soap products under studiedincluded production of low quality goods, improper use of distribution channels, lack of promotional campaignto back up the product and the use of improper pricing policy adequate for the product. It is recommended thatagribusiness marketing firms should produce and market high quality products since perceived value , brandpreference and customer satisfaction were major determinants of repurchase intention in the study area

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