Snoring and Its-management (Part 1/2): A Review


In-this-study ‘snoring’ was considered under-the-umbrella of sleep-disordered-breathing. The-article reflects concise-background-information, selected via document-analysis, on: Snoring (definitions, types, causes, prevalence, and effects, including: (i) acoustic-disturbance (noise-pollution) and resulted sleep- deprivation, and relationship-problems; and (ii) health-effects, due-to Upper Airway-obstruction); and Snoring-management (treatments and remedies), including the-concept of anti-snoring chin-strap-device. Although, snoring is a-medical-issue, this-review, primarily-targeted, non-medics – product-designers, in-particular; also, it was not intended to-be fully-comprehensive, and, hence, should-be-considered for illustrative-purpose. Nevertheless, the-author trusts, this-review, provided a-contribution (in its-small-way) to the-body of knowledge, on the-subject-matter. Moreover, the-study constituted an-important-step, toward deeper-understanding, of snoring, and its-management-options, alongside with their-limitations, in-the preparation for the-design of an-anti-snoring-device (Part 2/2). Finally, further-research-areas were recommended, on: (1) country-wise-survey on snoring-prevalence; (2) perceptions on snoring; (3) anti- snoring-treatments and remedies, available, and their-cost implications; and (4) the-design of anti-snoring-device (for-example uncomplicated chin-strap-device), to-offer an-affordable-solution, to untapped-local-population of snorers. Keywords: OSA; sleep-disordered-breathing; anti-snoring-devices; anti-snoring-surgery

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