Design & Fabrication of Manually Driven Pedal Powered Washing Machine


Cloth washing is one of the essential parts of the life but it is considered undesirable because of the involvement of efforts, time, energy and cost. Nowadays a wide variety of washing machines are available in the market and there is a tough competence among the manufacturers. The cost of washing machine varying from Rs.10,000 to 1,50,000 depending upon features and capabilities. Very costly washing machines are equipped with facility of dry cleaning too. All of the washing machines available in the market are electric power driven and basic principle of their operation depends upon creation of the turbulent flow of detergent around the dirty clothes. Drying of the clothes is based upon rotation of wet clothes at very high rpm so that water droplets can be separated out due to centrifugal action. In our country where approximately 70% population is living with very poor economic status, those people cannot have a washing machine because of cost constraints and unavailability of electricity due to any reason. The present work is an attempt to develop a concept to make a cloth washing mechanism which can meet out the requirements of above mentioned 70% population of the nation. Working principle of this concept is no more different from available similar type of machine with a difference driving mechanism of the machine. The objective of bringing down the initial cost and operating cost of washing machine is almost achieved in present work within the limitation of work as mentioned. Key word: CWT, CEA, 1. Introductio

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