Design of Operational Transconductance Amplifier using Double Gate MOSFET


Operational Ttransconductance Amplifier is very popular in analog electronics industry due to its vast applications. Analog integrated circuits have been widely used for high frequency applications. OTA has number of applications like filters, analog multipliers and analog dividers. Double gate MOSFETs (DG-MOSFETs) are strong contenders for nano scale region due its better control over short channel effects. DG-MOSFET can be used in analog circuit applications as a four-terminal device. Back gate bias can be used for better tunability. The double gate based circuits provide additional gains in terms of area, power and speed. This paper presents double gate based OTA which has high gain over a wide bandwidth. The simulation results shows gain of 9.32 dB and bandwidth is 7GHz.The simulations are done using Tanner EDA Software Tool at 90nm technology. Keywords: DG MOSFETs, OTA, Analog tunable circuits, Gain, Wide bandwidth, CMOS Process, Double gates, Self cascode techniqu

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