Work Life Balance Analysis Among Banking Sector Employees (Case Study in Bank X Branch Office Padang Indonesia)


Juggling two activities in different places such as in the office and at home is an obligatory duty for banking sector employees in their daily basis. On one hand, banking employee is a part of service organization and earns income. On the other, banking employee is a part of family as one of their responsibilities.There are several definitions about Work Life Balance. However, the one proposed by Fisher (2003), which was developed by Banu & Duraipandian (2014), classified this definition into five dimensions which are Work Place Support (WPS), Work Life Interference Personal Life (WIPL), Personal Life Interference Work (PLIW), Satisfaction with Work Life Balance (SWLB), and Improved Effectiveness at Work Life Balance (IEWLB).Result of this study is in accordance with prior research (Duraipandian, 2014) that measured Working Life Balance to 387 IT professionals in Chennai India. WPS  significantly influenced WIPL and PLIW.  It was also found that WIPL significantly had a negative influence on SWLB, but PLIW not significanly had a negative influence on SWLB . Lastly, SWLB significantly had a positive influence on the increasing effectivity of SWLB (IEW).This study discovered the majority of Bank X employees had gained satisfaction from Work Life Balance. However, there were still several indicators that potentially caused unbalance such as overtime and time base.There was also found that Bank X  employees in Padang did not experience any kind of stress despite a high level of work burden and there was no sign of physical disease as the result from stress implication. Keywords: Work  Place Support, Personnal Life, Satisfaction, Work Life Balanc

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