Scientific Research, Writing, and Dissemination (Part 1/4): Boosting Research Quality


This-is the-first-piece of a-tetralogy on Scientific-Research, Writing, and Dissemination. Many-researches have published articles and, even, books, on-Scientific-Research; however, at-the-time of this-study, none of-them articulated Kenyan-scenario, in-engineering-context. Research is one of the-core-functions of any-university-system; hence its-quality is-paramount. This-paper had-critically examined the-wider, local-institutional-context, of the-current-practice, and trends, in-scientific-research. A-survey (sample-size of 15 senior-engineering-faculty), observations, interviews and a-document-analysis-instruments, were utilized. The-main-findings of this-study were: (1) 73% indicated, that getting sufficient and trustworthy background-information was the-biggest-challenge (e.g. for identifying reliable-sources from-the-Internet); and (2) 64% pointed-out on the-problem of identification representative-sample-size, in their-research. In-addition, some-misconceptions, regarding: (1) the-quality-aspect of research; and (2) qualitative-research and its-value to-engineers-researchers; were-identified. Primarily, this-work was intended as a-contribution to a-heated ongoing debate, presenting a-basis for reflection and supported-argument, on the-quality of research, in the-institution. Besides, it provided a-rigorous-selection of helpful and enlightening-insights on the-issues, relevant to-the-quality of research, such-as: The-overall-process of Research, including specifics on the-Research in-Engineering; Assessment-models of Research-quality; Qualitative-research vs. Quantitative-research; Western-dominance in-Research; Reviewing of literature/Document-Analysis; Evaluation and selection the most-appropriate and reliable-sources; Sample-size and sampling-techniques; and Good-research practice (often overlooked), including ethical-issues, among-others. Several recommendations also-offered, on how to-improve, the-current-situation. Keywords: research types; quality; engineering; choosing sources; literature review, Internet

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