An Analysis of Oppression and Health Education for Underserved Populations in the United States: The Issues of Acculturation, Patient-Provider Communication, and Health Education


The oppression of underserved populations is pervasive throughout the history of the United States (U.S.), especially in health care. Brazilian educator Paulo Freire’s controversial ideas about systems of power can be aptly applied to health care. This paper focuses specifically on arguably the most medically underserved group in the U.S. healthcare system, free clinic patients, and analyzes the effects oppression on acculturation and patient-provider communication, and the potential of health education classes to reduce oppression and health disparities in this population. One way in which oppression materializes within the realm of medical and health education is through acculturation. Spanish-speaking free clinic patients are less satisfied with overall interpersonal communication at a free clinic than US born and non-US born English-speaking free clinic patients. Oppression can also be seen in patient-provider communication, specifically, around communicating diagnoses. It is vital for providers and educators to consistently and accurately educate their patients, and to ensure that patients fully understand their diagnoses before concluding an office visit. Reduction of national deaths through preventative health measures, such as health education programming, is an achievable goal. However, one concern in health education classes amongst underserved populations is the underlying power dynamic associated with individuals from a privileged background educating less privileged populations. Engaging health education participants through informal discussions rather than lectures is something that can be applied in future health-related educational settings.    Further examining issues of acculturation, patient-provider communication, and health education classes would help answer Freire’s pedagogical questions and improve health care services for free clinic patients and other underserved populations in the U.S. Keywords: medically uninsured; acculturation; patient-provider communication; health education; US

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