An Alternative Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Program: A Comprehensive One-to-One iPad Initiative Model


To date, little literature has been published on how an alternative undergraduate teacher preparation program infuses mobile devices such as the iPad and its applications, model classrooms, and a high-tech computer lab to prepare teacher candidates. Preparing teacher candidates to generalize technological skills is most effective when it is hands on, using the varied devices and support available to them. Meaningful instruction, application and maintenance of technological usage is the key to 21st century teaching and learning but it will not occur without a designed plan of action or model. This article focuses on the prominence of the use of iPads for teacher candidates in higher education and its potential impact on the learning of students with varying backgrounds and abilities in public schools. Further, it provides conceptual, systematic, comprehensive, and ready-to-use three phases of an existing one-to-one iPad initiative model at a southeast institution of higher education in the United States of America. Keywords: iPads in Higher Education, Mobile Learning, Pre-service Teachers, Teacher Candidates, Alternative Teacher Preparation Progra

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