Analysis of Parental Involvement And Self-Esteem On Secondary School Students In Kieni West Sub-County, Nyeri County, Kenya


This study investigated the relationship between parental involvement and the self-esteem among adolescents in secondary school students in Kieni West District in Nyeri County. It was guided by Self Determination Theory (SDT) by James William and Baumrind Theory of Parenting Styles by Diana Blumberg Baumrind. Some of the gaps identified in the literature review were addressed. Emphasis was put on establishing the relationship between parental involvement in the perspective of autonomy, competence, and relatedness and development of self-esteem among adolescents. The study followed mixed methods research design where qualitative and quantitative methodology was combined. The study was based on investigation of form three students in secondary schools in Kieni West district, Nyeri County, Kenya. The instruments consisted of questionnaires and unstructured interviews. Two experts were given the research instruments to evaluate the validity and all the items were rated as relevant. Reliability of research instruments was established using test retest method and a reliability coefficient of 0.5 was obtained. Quantitative data was collected from 200 participants selected from 8 schools using probability sampling method. Qualitative data was collected from 8 participants selected from 8 schools using purpose sampling method. Data collected was computerized using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 21). It was analyzed and interpreted using inferential statistics with the aim of investigating the relationship between parental involvement and self esteem among adolescents. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed. Quantitative data was descriptive in nature. Qualitative data analysis involved coding and categorizing of interview data and thereafter data were thematically organized.   This formed the basis of detailed analysis, conclusions and recommendations. The study found that parents in Kieni West District in Nyeri County were involved in the lives of adolescents. Adolescents in this research were found to have high self esteem. This research found a relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Self esteem among adolescents was found to be related to parental involvement. The study recommended that stakeholders in education needed to identify and understand the psychological needs of adolescents. Study, recommends future research on how parental involvement fluctuates and test if parental involvement can be taught by implementing parenting workshop. Key Words: Parental Involvement and Self-Esteem, Secondary School Students in Kieni West Sub-County, Nyeri County, Keny

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