Assessing the influence of the PTTC Principal’s competency in ICT on the teachers’ integration of ICT in teaching Science in PTTCs in Nyanza Region, Kenya.


The study was conducted to assess the influence of Primary Teacher Training College (PTTC) principal’s competency in ICT on the teacher’s integration of ICT in teaching science in PTTC’s in Nyanza region in Kenya. The one research question and one research hypothesis guided the study. The population comprised of 21 principals and 159 tutors. Data from the college principals and tutors was collected by use of interview schedule and a questionnaire. Cronbach alpha reliability computation was done to determine the overall reliability of the instrument. Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.90 and higher was considered as reliable. The mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analyze the data collected and the hypothesis tested at 0.01 alpha level. The results from the data indicated that the Principal who is competent in Information Communication Technology (ICT) favored the tutor’s ICT integration in teaching science. Results of the hypothesis testing further revealed that there was a significant liner relationship between the principal’s competency in ICT and teacher’s integration of ICT in the teaching of science in PTTC’s. Based on the findings of the study it was recommended that the Kenya government should make it a priority to develop a policy to guide leaders in ICT integration, in teaching science, and Teacher’s Service Commission, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, Kenya Education Staff Institute and Ministry of Education and Science Technology should develop packages in ICT integration in teaching science for in servicing Principals prior to appointment. Key words: Competency, ICT Integration, Principal, Information Communication Technolog

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