Aspects of Tutor and Writing Ability


The purpose of this study is to assess the correlation between aspects of tutor and the students’ basic writing outcomes of the Elementary School Teacher Education at the Distance Learning Program Unit, Open University of Palu. This is ex post facto correlation with the population research of 387 people and the total sample of 100 people. This research employed a multistage random sampling technique. Data were collected through questionnaire technique and score of final exams. Data were analyzed using regression analysis IBM SPSS I9 Statistics. The result of calculation of IBM SPSS 19 statistics was obtained regression equation, Y = 11.463 + 1.157X1. It shows that any increase in the scores of tutor aspect (X) caused an increase of 1,157 basic writing ability outcome scores (Y) at constant, 11.463. Then, based on the value of the R Square, it was obtained a value of 0.552. This means that 55.2% of the variation which occurred in the results of basic writing ability can be explained by variation in aspects of tutors through regression equation Y = 11.463 + 1.157X. The results of hypothesis testing, f and t test with a = 0.05 significance level based f test, 0.000<0.05, it can be concluded that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. It means that there is a positive and significant correlation between aspects of the tutor and the results of the students’ basic writing ability outcomes of the Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) at the Distance Learning Program Unit, Open University of Makassar. Keywords: Tutor Aspects, and Writing Abilit

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