Motivation for Choosing Teaching as a Career and Job Satisfaction with Context of Pakistan Administrative Kashmir


This study examines the career motivation and job satisfaction of 150 public primary school teachers of Pakistan administrative Kashmir who have chosen teaching as a career. So, they were asked questions about factors influencing to choosing teaching as career perceptions, major expectations and five factors of job satisfaction which include work, promotion, salary, co-worker and supervision. A profile of the participants was then developed by analyzing their responses in quantitative way as being descriptive, statistical, and inductive steps. It has been examined that both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations play a role when individuals choose teaching as a career but most of the primary teachers choose teaching career for intrinsic reasons such as they always wanted to become a teacher as they wanted to do something for nation through this profession. But they are moderate in term of job satisfaction. Keywords: Motivation, Teaching Career, Job satisfaction, Primary Teachers and AJ&

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