Aligning Expansion and Quality in Higher Education: An Imperative to Liberia’s Economic Growth and Development


This paper highlights and discusses the need for aligning expansion and quality of higher education in Liberia.  It emphasizes that such initiative is inevitable to the sustainable economic growth and sociopolitical development of the country. Because with better education, Liberia as a country is sure to achieve political stability, create wealth and sustain growth. Honestly speaking, the existence of higher education institutions will make little or no impact on the nation’s national development agenda in the absence of quality as the ability to undertake initiatives and be innovative largely depends on the quality of knowledge acquired. Like other countries, this paper notes that Liberia’s higher education subsector continues to expand in various ways, intended to satisfy the access demand by the growing population. Consequently, there has been a tremendous increase from 3 to 30 tertiary institutions in the country. Capitalizing on Functionalist theorists’ view on HE expansion that universities can go a long way towards solving societal problems through development and use of new knowledge, this paper acquiesces, but underscores that ensuring quality is very vital in the fulfillment of HE purposes. It argues that balancing HE expansion and quality is not an option, but an obligation, noting that HE is not a cosmetic or a window-dressing endeavor, but one that ought to imbue every necessary ingredient encompassing value, excellence and quality. Furthermore, as experienced by some other nations, this paper is optimistic that Liberia’s sustainable economy growth and development would be immensely impacted based on increased enrollments and successful graduation of more Liberians from colleges and universities. Finally, in order to align HE expansion and quality, it recommends for establishment of legal framework and quality management and enhancement body, prioritization of higher education, proportionate provision of subsidies to private institutions, establishment of professional development center for administrators and teaching staff as well as their incorporation in bilateral and multilateral partnership programs for capacity building, improving the welfare of staff, furnishing of libraries and laboratories,  synchronizing and updating the curriculum, and the need for concerted efforts to deal with quality challenges in Liberia’s higher education subsector. Key words: expansion, higher education, quality, economic growth and developmen

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