Quality Customer Service as a Competitive Advantage in the Telecommunication Industry in the Western Region of Ghana


The rise and fall of many organizations in Ghana in recent years calls for an evaluation of reasons given in many research works. The paper presents such evaluation of reasons presented in many literatures which are popular, linking it to organizations such as Telecommunication Companies which are struggling to survive competition in Ghana. Many writers have attributed the problems with different factors. After many years of looking in to the problem, the researchers have come out with their own conclusions which are regarded as the real issue. The paper analyses the evidence obtained from the survey of the customers. It seeks to explain why quality customer service plays a major role for the survival of many of the telecommunication companies drawing upon the evidence from the previous literatures. Based on the literature review and a pilot study, many customer requirements and features were identified and were used to determine the level of service quality. Thus, the closing chapter deals with the summary of the major findings, recommendations and conclusions. The eligibility criteria for the conclusion are the sample of those respondents of the telecommunication companies in the Western Region of Ghana. Keywords: Quality Customer Service, Competitive Advantage, Telecommunication Companies, Western Region, Ghana

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