マンモグラフィ ト チョウオンパ ケンサ ヘイヨウ ニュウガン ケンシン ニ オケル ソウゴウ ハンテイ ノ ユウヨウセイ ニ ツイテ


An effective breast cancer screening require the efficiency in reducing the death rate withoutincluding unnecessary examinations. The highest incidence rate of breast cancer is distributed aroundlate 40s in our country. Neverthless, the breast cancer detection rate by the mammography (MMG)screening of 40s is low compared to that of over 50s. By adding up the ultrasonography (US) to MMG,the detection rate will increase but the recall rate will also increase when one examiner determines themindividually. On the other hand, if the examiner determines them by comprehensive evaluation basedon the findings of MMG and US together, the screening can be performed more accurately.We carried out a breast cancer screening with 248 females, which used MMG and USsimultaneously, from April 2009 to March 2012. The individual screening of MMG and US achievedthe recall rates of 14.1% and 10.1%, respectively. The recall rate when determined independently ofeach test becomes 21.8% although the final recall rate dropped to 10.5% based on the comprehensiveevaluation using combinatorial methodology using the overall findings of MMG and US simultaneously.Moreover, the recall rate dropped further in each age group from 20s to 60s, These results clarified theeffectiveness of this comprehensive evaluation based on the combinatorial methodology using bothMMG and US in breast cancer screening

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