A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Integration of ICTs in Teaching and Learning in Primary Schools in Kenya


This research project presents a research study on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) integration in primary school education as it sought to develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the integration of ICTs in Teaching and Learning in Primary School education in Kenya. This was achieved through determining various facets of ICTs use in primary schools, establishing the role of school management in ICTs integration in primary schools, determining how ICTs can best be used in the teaching methodology in primary schools and finally determining fundamental ICT skills required by a teacher for ICT integration in teaching in primary schools. Quantitative methods were used where descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were applied for research with questionnaires being used as the main tool for data collection. Through the data analysis and key findings the researcher came up with recommendations which were used to develop the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. The study revealed that 75.7 percent of the teachers who participated in the study were trained in ICT while 18.9 percent did not have any training in ICT. At the same time, only 32.4 percent of the head teachers were established to be trained in ICT while a larger percent, 64.7 were not trained in ICT. This implied that most of the head teachers do not have sufficient knowledge to manage the processes of ICTs integration in teaching and learning. Furthermore, the mean for integration of ICTs in the primary school curriculum was established to be 2.43 which asserted that the level of integration is quite low in terms of availability of computers for use by teachers and pupils. Moreover, it was also determined that the Government do not provide enough support to teachers in the integration of ICTs in teaching and learning which in turn makes the integration process difficult. The paper concluded by providing recommendations which emphasized on the need of teachers to be trained in basic and advanced ICT skills in order to technologically empower them in integrating ICTs, the need for strong infrastructural foundations in order to facilitate the ICTs integration process, and the need to have enough support from the Government and other stakeholders to ensure continuity in the ICT integration process. Most of all the research recommended the need to have a solid Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to support the integration of ICTs in the teaching and learning process in primary schools in Kenya. Keywords: ICTs Integration in Education, Monitoring, Evaluation, Indicators, Monitoring and Evaluation Framewor

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