Attitudinal and Environmental Factors as Determinants of Job Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities


Persons with disabilities are often discriminated against in appropriate job and advancement in employment even when their literacy and educational level is adequate or more than adequate.Attitudinal and environmental factors could contribute to discrimination against persons with disabilities.This study aim at examining the attitudinal and environmental factors that determine job discrimination against persons with disabilities.The study employed the use of descriptive research design. Four reasearch questions were generated. Questionnaires were administered to one hundred and nine employers of labour to determine the factors prompting  job discrimination against persons with disabilities.Multiple regression analysis, mean and t-test was used to analyse the data collected for the study.The findings revealed that the attitude and the environment of are the major determinants of job discrimination against persons with disabilities. It was also discovered that the disposition of both private and public employers are the same towards persons with disabilities in provision of job.Based on these findings it was recommended that awareness and sensitisation programmes should be done to intimate employers of labour about persons with disabilities in order to know that employing them would be beneficial to both parties and would make persons with disabilities to be less dependent. Keywords: Attitudinal factors, environmental factors, job discrimination and persons with disabilities.

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