The Role of Universities in Human Capital Development: Implications for National Transformation


This study investigated the role of Universities in human capital development in Cross River State and its implication for national transformation. Ex-post facto design was adopted in the study. Two research questions and hypotheses respectively were raised to guide the study. A sample of 227 lecturers were drawn from a population of 1,517 lecturers from the two universities. The Role of Universities in Human Capital Development for National Transformation Questionnaire (TRUIHCDFNTQ) was used to generate data. The data were analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. From the results, it was concluded that opportunities for attending retraining programmes and conferences/workshops had significant relationship with lecturers’ transformation in terms of their teaching effectiveness and subsequent national transformation. Based on the findings it was recommended that; Government should provide funds to the universities to sponsor lecturers to attend retraining programmes. Keywords: The Role of Universities, Human Capital Development, National Transformation

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