The Adoption of Electronic Payment System (EPS) in Jordan: Case Study of Orange Telecommunication Company


This study aimed to investigate the factors that significantly affect the adoption of electronic payment system (EPS) in Jordan, these factors were (System Characteristics: Security and Privacy, simplicity) and (Organizational Aspects: organization culture and top management support) on the adoption of (EPS) in Jordan. The deductive approach was adopted in this study to achieve its objectives. It introduces a theoretical framework from which the study hypotheses are built then tested to reach the findings that may be generalized later. The population of this study was 2320 employees who work at Orange Company. Proportionate sample was targeted from the employees at the Orange's branches. Likert five- point scale questionnaire was developed to collect the required data after reviewing some previous studies that related to the subject of the study. SPSS (version.20.0) software was used for the statistical analysis. This study revealed that top management support and simplicity have the strongest impact among the other independent variables on the adoption of EPS in telecom companies. As a result the decision makers in Orange Company should support the adoption of the EPS to improve the process of the adoption of EPS. Key Words: Electronic Payment systems (EPS), Accounting Information Systems (AIS), Telecommunication, Jorda

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