Repeated Cross Sectional Analysis of Acuity of Turkish CPAs on the Adoption of IFRS for SMEs for Turkish SMEs


SMEs contribute commendably to the development of local economies around the world.  As for the Turkish economy, SMEs have significant boost since they take up well over 98% of all entities.  To this point, many countries have already adopted or intend to adopt IFRS for SMEs. With substantial shift towards adoption of IFRS globally, IFRS for SMEs attracted noteworthy attention by the Turkish SMEs and CPAs whether such proposed set of standards are essentially applicable to the Turkish SMEs.  The aim of this research is to evaluate the level of applicability of the IFRS for SMEs in Turkey, and their readiness to apply these standards. Cross-sectional analysis was used to compare the expert opinions of Turkish CPAs based on an earlier research conducted in 2008 and the later and recent research conducted in 2013. Keywords: IFRS for SMEs, international accounting standards, small and medium-sized enterprise

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