Demographic Profile of the Customers and Their Level of Satisfaction: A Study on Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL)


The Study investigates the customer satisfaction level exposed by different demographic group of customers. The study also identifies the relative importance assigned to different selection criteria by customers  while choosing  Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL), which was established in 1983 and the pioneer in Islamic Banking in Bangladesh. From comprehensive analysis, the study identifies a number of key findings that might help IBBL management for formulating their future competitive strategies. Firstly, the study identifies that customers irrespective of different demographic segments (gender, marital status, age, income level, education level and religion) are mostly satisfied with IBBL. Secondly, satisfaction level of customers does not significantly vary among different demographic group as measured through chi-square test and finally, ‘compliance to Islamic shariah’ i.e. religious principles followed by ‘corporal efficiency’ as exposed by fast, efficient service and experienced management team  are the top most two bank selection criteria  as viewed by IBBL clients. Key words: Customer Satisfaction, Demographic profile, Bank Selection Criteria, Islamic Banking

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