E-Trust Integration with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in Adoption of Digital Financial Services (E-Cash)


This research is shown to know how the trust (e-trust) integrated with the technology acceptance model can affect the process of digital financial services digital service adoption. The results of this study indicate that 1) Perceived Ease of Use positive and significant effect on Perceived of Usefulness, 2) Perceived Ease of Use positive and significant effect on Attitude Towards Using, 3) Perceived of Usefulness positive and significant effect on Attitude Towards Using, 4 ) Perceived of Usefulness positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention to Use, 5) Attitude Towards Using positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention to Use, 6) E-trust positive and significant effect on Perceived of Usefulness, 7) Positive E-trust and significant effect on Attitude Towards Using, and 8) E-trust positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention to Use to the process of re-adoption of digital financial services. Limitations in this study, one of which is the dimension of trust that is used only limited to the dimensions of credibility, benevolence, integrity and orientation to resolve problems. Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), e-trust, digital financial services DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-8-09 Publication date:March 31st 201

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