The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
Quality of service has become an emblem for customers while availing any services and it is also a strategic advantage for the organizations to gain success and remain competitive in the market. This study aimed at assessing the effect of perceived service quality on patients’ satisfaction at Wolaita Sodo University Referral Hospital. Five dimensions of ‘SERVPERF’ model: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy were used to measure patients’ perception about the service quality in the hospital. One hundred sixty two respondents participated in a cross sectional survey The results showed that the mean scores along five service quality dimensions ranged from 3.38 up to 3.64 and the mean for overall service quality is 3.56 indicating slightly above average perceived service quality and the level of satisfaction is averaged 3.65.The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to evaluate the relationship between perceived service quality and patients’ satisfaction and correlation is significant at the 0.01 level of significance and there is significant positive relationship between patients’ satisfaction and the service quality as measured in terms of service quality dimensions and overall service quality. The service quality in terms of both dimension wise and the overall service quality of the hospital has significant influence on patients’ satisfaction. To evaluate the impact of perceived service quality on patients’ satisfaction, linear regression model has been employed and showed responsiveness and assurance dimensions of service quality have a significant influence, whereas; tangibility, reliability and empathy dimensions have no significant influence on patients’ satisfaction. It indicated also that all the service quality dimensions combined significantly influence the patients’ satisfaction. Keywords: Service quality, service quality dimensions, overall service quality, patients’ satisfaction, Wolaita Sodo University Referral Hospita