Do Brand Personality Really Enhance Satisfaction and Loyalty Toward Brand? A Review of Theory and Empirical Research


It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the role of brand loyalty in today’s competitive market. Brand loyalty is one of the most-cited concepts in marketing literature, and both academic and practitioners have accepted the range of benefits derived from it. Most firms attempt to measure satisfaction and loyalty for their brand, this is because the vital view whether a product successful or failed are customer loyalty. But, they do not think about vital influences to build satisfaction and loyalty. However, a major problem with this kind of effort is that measuring satisfaction and loyalty does not tell anybody how to achieve it. One of essential strategies to accomplish satisfaction and loyalty in branding strategy is brand personality. In the history of development loyalty, brand personality has been thought of as a key factor in brand theory; it is become more significant for companies. Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in the impact of brand personality on brand satisfaction and loyalty. Further, creating loyalty in today’s competitive market has become complicated due to standard similarity in consumer perception of product quality, increase in variety of superior brands and alternatives, low risk and high expectations of the customer's brand switching have completely changed. Based on the above issues, the present study was designed to determine the effect of brand personality as an important antecedent to brand loyalty in today's competitive market. The analysis is based on findings and theories from the consumer personality psychology and consumer behavior literature. These results provide important insights into the effects of brand personality in creating satisfaction and brand loyalty in order to have competitive advantage in today market. Keywords: Brand personality, Brand satisfaction, Brand loyalty, Competitive market

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