Reality of Applying Tourism Marketing Strategies and its Impact on Jordanian expat Tourists in Arabian Gulf Countries: an Empirical Study


The study aimed at identifying the level of Jordanian tourists expats' satisfaction on reality of applying tourism marketing strategies in Arabian gulf countries. The strategies are including (strategy of tourism productions, strategy of   Prices of tourism products, strategy of promotion of tourism products, strategy of distribution of tourism products, strategy of tourism products employees, strategy of physical environment of service, and operations strategy to provide tourist services) on the different tourist Jordanian locations. In addition to identify the impact of applying these strategies on Jordanian tourism expat's satisfaction. Analytical descriptive approach has been used for population of the study that consisted of Jordanian tourist expats. (845) of questionnaires were distributed depending on snow ball method. (779) of questionnaires were considered retrieval. The results have shown that highest levels of satisfaction on tourism marketing were arranged as following: (strategy of tourism productions, operations strategy to provide tourist services, strategy of tourism products employees, strategy of distribution of tourism products, strategy of physical environment of service, strategy of   Prices of tourism products and strategy of promotion of tourism products). The results have also found that the strongest strategies  due to effecting on satisfaction Jordanian tourist expat is were arranged as following: (operations strategy to provide tourist services, strategy of tourism productions, , strategy of  physical environment of service,  strategy of   Prices of tourism products, strategy of employees efficiency in tourist production and strategy of distribution of tourism products). Keywords: strategies of tourism marketing, tourists' satisfaction, Arabian gulf countries

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