Exploration of Critical Organizational Climate Factors Impacting BPR Implementation: A Survey of Indian Companies


Business Process Reengineering ( BPR) is considered to be one of the most effective techniques  used by  the manufacturing organizations in dealing with turbulent global economy and ever-changing customer’s preferences. Implementation of BPR brings along with it many changes within the organization. This study attempts to understand and validate the organizational climate factors for effective change management Though extensive research has been done  worldwide, very few empirical studies have been carried out in India. The study is based on the various success / failure factors proposed by Al-Mashari. It is hoped that better understanding of the factors will lead to higher success rates of BPR implementation. The primary data  was collected from the various manufacturing industries comprising of Small Scale , Medium scale , Large scale and Multi National Companies across India using structured  self-administered questionnaire. Principal Component Analaysis ( PCA)  with varimax rotation using SPSS19.0 was carried out in order to verify the factors proposed on the basis of literature review with respect to Indian manufacturing Sector. Upon investigation it was observed that the factors were reduced to five without omitting the items and were renamed as Organizational Culture , Educations and training , Empowerment , Equitable Compensation and Team Work. Finally it was concluded that Proper identification and adequate understanding of the organizational climate factors fostering change adaptation becomes key ingredient for successful implementation of BPR effort. Keywords : BPR, Business Process Reengineering, Organizational climate, Indian, Manufacturing Sector, Critical factors, Organizational Cultur

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