Learning Organizations is more successful Than Others


Knowledge and learning are among the important factors in organizations and are inevitable for their survival. Organizations are the result of the way of thinking and acting of their members. Therefore, if we want an organization to change, we should give enough time to individuals to change their way of thinking and acting. It is obvious that we cannot achieve such changes by intensifying training courses and/or the method of order and control management. Organizational learning requires introducing new management ideas, methods and tools. By providing opportunities for doing new works, members of the organization will achieve a stable capacity for change. Organizational learning has been paid increasing attention by the organizations which are interested in competitive advantage, innovation, and efficiency. Traditionally, learning has been defined as a process by which individuals will acquire new knowledge and insight as a result of changing their behaviors and actions. Learning organization is an organization which is managed consciously towards learning, and learning is an important component in its values, visions, objectives, evaluations, and daily operations. Learning is a process which includes quadripartite mechanisms which themselves include learning environment, recognition of developmental and learning needs, realization of developmental and learning needs, and utilizing learning in work environment. To focus on learning means to concentrate on making changes in an extensive level of individuals, groups, and organizations. Since environmental change is a constant and continuous action and an open and unpredictable process in nature, learning plays a critical and sensitive role in aligning organizational forces in this unreliable environment and moving towards a glorious, pervasive, and learning organization. Keywords: Learning, learning Organizations, Human Resource

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