From The Ashes: Jus Post Bellum And The Emergence Of Kosovo


In many parts ofthe world today, when the subject of war arises, the conversation inevitably turns to the continuing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. As these two conflicts rage into their fifth and seventh years respectively and the situation on the ground seems to be deteriorating, the United States national conversation seenlS primarily concemed with a timeline for exit. The just war tradition is not immune to this conversation. In direct response to these conflicts, scholars have, for the first time, developed criteria for justly ending and exiting a war. Unfortunately, the application ofthese criteria has thus far been limited to Iraq and Afghanistan. While these two conflicts have served as a catalyst for this advancement in just war theory, and elected officials should be mindful of exiting these wars justly, the complex and ongoing nature ofthese conflicts makes them difficult test cases for jus post beiium criteria. For a more straightforward and developed case, I hlffi to the conflict in the former Yugoslavian province of Kosovo and the nine years ofreconstruction that have followed. Building on the work ofthe trailblazers ofthis field, I will show how jus post beiium principles have been employed with tangible results in the real life construction of a lasting peace in Kosovo

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