Organic source of nitrogen trials & miscellaneous trials.


1. Nitrogen sources Badgingarra 85BA3 Organic Source of Nitrogen 8SBA4 Interaction of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen sources 85BAS Miscellaneous Organic Nitrogen Sources 85BA39 Times and Levels of Inorganic Nitrogen Application Lancelin 85M02 Organic sources of nitrogen 85M03 Interaction of Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Sources 85M04 Miscellaneous Organic Nitrogen Sources 85MOS3 Times and Levels of Inorganic Nitrogen Application Meckering 85N01 Organic Sources of Nitrogen 85N03 Miscellaneous Organic Nitrogen Sources 85NOS9 Times and Levels of Inorganic Nitrogen Application 2. Miscellaneous trials 84M6 Rates of Nitrogen on Wheat - CSIRO Megatrial (E. Harvey) 85M4 Nitrogen and Water on Wheat (with M. Mason) 83WH29 Residual Effects of Crop and Pasture Species on Second Wheat Crop 82WH2 Residual Value of Ripping (4th Year

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