Part 1. A. take-all of cereals B. Rhizoctonia C. Pythium root rot of wheat, Part 2, A. Minimum tillage trials.


Take-all following cleaning crops. Take-all build-up on new land rotation. Take-all build-up and rates of phosphorus on wheat. Long-term rotation and take-all. Take-all incidence in cereal/lupin rotation. Take-all incidence in a wheat/clover or/pasture rotation. Continuous wheat and take-all. Rhizoctonia patch of cereals. Rhizoctonia mapping experiment. Rhizoctonia patch - control. Pythium root rot of wheat. Part 2. Sprayseed followed by direct drilling with triple disc drill. Plough, Sprayseed followed by direct drilling with triple-disc drill. Sprayseed followed by direct drilling with combine. Cult + seed with combine - Sprayseed followed by cultivation followed by drilling with combine. For this report the take-all levels are presented as incidence (i.e. % of plants infected with Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) and severity, (i.e. % of plants with moderate or severe take-all or putting it another way - % of plants with more than 25% of their root system discoloured). 80ES38, 81ES1, 81MT8, 81MT3

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