Sulphur nutrition of pastures and crops, Phosphorus and potassium nutrition of high rainfall pastures on deep sands, Soil acidity - high rainfall pastures
A. SULPHUR - HIGH RAINFALL 1. Rates and time of application of superphosphate to pastures. 79AK2, 79AL23, 79AL25, 79AL41, 81BY1, 81KE1. 2. Sulphur soil test calibration on pastures. 79AL18, 80BY2, 80KE2. 3. Sulphur soil test calibration on pastures: Co-operative PKS soil test project on pastures on duplex soils of the east Albany area (PRD/ARO). Sulphur results. 80 AL44, 46, 47, 48, 72, 73 81AL51, 53, 55 4. Sulphur on adsorbing soils receiving no current S input. 80BY1., 80AL16. 5. Sources, rates, time of application of sulphur on pastures. 80AL1, 80AL4, 81AL3, 81AL4, 80KE1, 80MA1 B. SULPHUR - LOW RAINFALL 1. Sulphur on pastures. 80JE17, 80M020. 2. Sulphur on cereals 80JE16, 80M09. C. PHOSPHORUS 1. Sources, rates time of application of phosphorus on high rainfall pastures on deep sands. 79AL1, 80AL2, 80AL5, 80AL15, 81AL5, 81AL6, 81KE2, 79MA2, 80MA2, 81MA4. D. POTASSIUM 1. Sources, rates, time of application of potassium on high rainfall pastures on deep sand. 80AL3, 80AL6, 81AL7, 81AL8, 81MA3. E. SOIL ACIDITY 1. High rainfall soil pH survey - 2. Lime on old lan路d pastures (high 81AL10, 81ALll, 81AL12, 81AL13, Albany Region - Summary rainfall) 81AL14, 81AL15, 81AL16 3. Topdressed vs incorporated lime on new land acid peat. 81AL9 4. Lime on new land pastures: 1981 results from 1979-80 commenced trials by Albany Regional Office staff. 79AL14, 79AL16, 80AL50, 80AL51, 80AL52, 80AL53, 80AL54