Seed ecology of weeds


1. Emergence of weed seedlings from different soil depths 82MT49 Mt Barker Research Station 83MT4 Mt Barker Research Station 82NR12 Northam Research Station 83NR2 Northam Research Station 82C37 Chapman Research Station 83C3 Chapman Research Station 2. Longevity of buried weed seeds 82MT50 Mt Barker Research Station 83MT5 Mt Barker Research Station 82NR13 Northam Research Station 83NR3 Northam Research Station 82C38 Chapman Research Station 83C4 Chapman Research Station 3. Emergence of weed seedlings in relation to soil type and cultivation 82PE32 South Perth 4. Changes in the number of viable dock seeds in soil under different soil surface treatments 83V2 Vasse Research Station and Albany Private Farm 5. Changes in dormancy of turnip and doublegee seeds under different field conditions 84C47 Chapman Research Station 84NR1 Northam Research Station 84MT60 Mt Barker Research Station 6. Temperature and light requirements of weed seeds between the time of seed maturity and break of the season 84C48 Chapman Research Station 84NR2 Northam Research Station 84MT61 Mt Barker Research Station 7. Emergence and fate of weed seeds in different depths of cultivated and undisturbed compacted soil 84C49 Chapman Research Station 84MT62 Mt Barker Research Station 8. Fate of surface-lying seeds of bromegrass on undisturbed and cultivated soils 84C50 Chapman Research Station 84MT63 Mt Barker Research Station 9. Persistence and depletion of fiddle dock seed population in the soil 84V9 Vasse Research Station 84MT64 Mt Barker Research Station 10. Emergence periodicity and seedling survival in natural populations of fiddle dock 84V11 Vasse Research Station 84MT65 Mt Barker Research Statio

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