Part 1 Department of Agriculture Western Australia Experimental Summary 1979 A. Take-all of cereals B. Rhizoctonia Bare Patch Part II A. Minimum tillage Trials, 1979


CONTENTS PART I A. Take-all of cereals Take-all survey. Effect of nitrogen sources on take-all. 76LG25 (N = 50 kg/ha), 77E4 (N = 25 kg/ha), 77MT19 (N = 45 kg/ha), Take-all and root-soil pH : Residual effect 1979. 78LG3 (No treatment 1979). Take-all and the economics of Agras No.l. 79JE4 (N = 10 to 90), 79JE3 ( ), 79BA30 ( ), 79ES13 ( ), 79ES14 ( ), 79LG4 ( ), Summary p40a. Take-all, row spacing and rates of Agras No.l. 79ES39, 79ES41. Take-all and Agras No.2/DAP/Urea comparison 79LG5, 79LG6. Take-all following cleaning crops. 78JE5, 79El2. Effect of grass control on take-all. 77JE4. Long-term rotation and take-all. 73SG16, 77ES8, 79JE5. Take-all build-up on new land. 78JE4. Take-all build-up and rates of phosphorus on wheat. 78ES30. Continuous wheat and take-all. 74SG16. Take-all, mini-fallow and time of sowing. 79Ell. Take-all and hypo-virulent strains. 78LG30, 79El4. Yield potential assessment (take-all only) 79KA17, 79WH32. B. RHIZOCTONIA BARE PATCH Rhizoctonia mapping experiment. Unnumbered. PART II See separate at end of-Part I. ABBREVIATIONS USED D - Drilled with seed. G.S. - Growth stage based on H Fisher\u27s scale. NA - Not available. NS - Not significant at p = 0.05. N - Nitrogen. P - Phosphorus. TA - Take-all. TD - Topdressed. As - Ammonium sulphate. An - Ammonium nitrate (Agran 34). Sn - Sodium nitrate Agl - Agras No.l. Ag2 - Agras No.2. u - Urea. Pap - Di-ammonium phosphate. Take-all (Plant) Categories. Nil - No obvious infection. L - Light, less than 25% of the root system discoloured. M - Moderate, 25% to 75% of the root system discoloured, stem base sometimes discoloured. S - Severe, more than 75% of root system discoloured, stem base usually discoloured. Rhizoctonia % - Refers to only moderate and severe Rhizoctonia, i.e. more than 25% of roots ( per plant) showing typical brown pinched-off root tips Fusarium % - Refers to those plants showing typical dark brown water soaked discolouration of crown and stem base

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