Soil acidity - high rainfall pastures. Lime on old land pastures - field & glasshouse experiments


Soil Acidity - High Rainfall Pastures (funded by the Australian Meat Research Committee). Lime on old land pastures. 1. Field experiments - 80BU13, 80BU14, 81AL10, 81AL12, 81AL16, 81BU18, 81BY18, 81BY19, 81BY25, 81BY26, 82AL4, 82AL5, 82AL55, 82BU7, 82BU8, 82HA35, 82HA36, 82PE1, 83AL7, 83AL9, 83AL10, 83AL11, 83AL13, 83AL14, 83BU25, 83BU26, 83BY29, 83HA19, 83HA41, 84BU9, 84BY36, 84BY37, 84HA21. 2. Glasshouse experiments - 84GL4. Investigation of factors involved in lime responses on a new land acid peaty sand. 84GL7, 84GL8. Investigation of factors involved in lime responses on old land high rainfall area pastures

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