1976 Sunflower-safflower irrigated variety trial 1976-1977


In 1975/76 two varieties of sunflower, Hysun 10 and Hysun 20, as well as Safflower (Gila) were grown in a large alternative crop demonstration. Results were sufficiently good to warrant more and closer examination. This led to the present variety trial using varieties suggested by Mr. M. Poole. The aim was to evaluate six sunflower varieties and one safflower. The work was carried out in the light of reduced profitability of peas, beans and some fruit crops. This results in a number of growers having irrigation water and equipment under-employed. Other farmers are after a crop which will give them a decent profit. If high yields can be obtained consistently, sunflowers may provide an opportunity for farmers to make additional income. Results Sunflower & Safflower Variety trial. 1976/77. Mr. K. Rutter economist at the Bunbury office assisted with the economic assessment. He in turn was assisted by Mr. J. Middlemas in calculating the irrigation costs. Mr. M. Poole provided seed supplies and general suggestions on the trial he also arranged oil content analysis. R. Ramm, R. Trigwell for harvesting the plots and the Manjimup Research Station staff for looking after the crop. Reference:- F.P.C. Blarney. Boron Nutrition of Sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.) on an Avalon medium sandy loam. Agrochemophysica 8, 5-10 1976

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