Summary of trial results - 1974


Observations and measurements were made on 10 grazing trials and 11 small-plot legume species trials in 1974. Three of the grazing trials were under crop, two of them concluding low oestrogen species trials which had been grazed since 1969, and one of them, 68M023, West Moora, as an interval between pasture phases. The small-plot trials dated from 1970 or later and on most of them half of each plot could be grazed by sheep and half was protected. These trials have continued to supply useful information on the suitabiliy of cultivars to soil and climate and will be the subject of a separate report. This report summarizes the results from the grazing trials under the following headings:- Seasonal Conditions; Grazing Experiments; 68M023 - Legume Grazing Management Trial, West Moora; 71LG17 - Comparison of Production from Cyprus Medic and Volunteer Pasture; Comparison of Production from Tornafield Medic, Serradella and Subterranean Clover - 70ME2 - Walgoolan, 71WH13 - Wongan Hills, 69M017 - Watheroo, 69LG24 - Lake Grace. Low Oestrogen Legume Grazing Trials: 68TS12 - Eneabba, 68M024 - Kirwan, 68NA15 - Bullaring, 68GE9 - Gutha, 68LG17 - Pingrup

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